M²OLIE Research Campus

Closed-Loop Systems for Molecular Interventions – A Highly Integrated Process Chain Involving Imaging, Robotics and Laboratory Analysis in the Intervention Room

About 20 percent of all cancer patients develop a small number of metastatic tumours in another organ of their body that not only differ from the primary tumour in terms of their molecular biological characteristics but may also be different from one another. This means that each tumour needs its own specific treatment. The M²OLIE Research Campus is developing a plan for the establishment of a high-efficiency infrastructure for individualized therapies based on innovative automation and process optimization.

A multidisciplinary team is working on the development of a one-stop shop that will complete a patient’s entire care process (admission, biopsies, diagnosis, treatment, discharge) in the space of a single working day. M²OLIE aims to extend the survival of cancer patients through innovative treatment methods and to make cancer a chronic disease.

M²OLIE is currently bringing together 24 partners on an equal footing based on multilateral partnership contracts; 5 of these partners are from the academic sector and 19 from industry. The academic partners benefit from both the expertise of the companies and the possibility to use novel equipment and software in their research projects. Their industrial partners enjoy the opportunity to develop, enhance, test and validate their products in the context of the research questions that M²OLIE aims to answer. The research campus offers young researchers from different disciplines the opportunity to gain initial experience of cooperation with industry and cooperate in a joint research project.

The centrepiece of M²OLIE is the experimental intervention room in the heart of the CUBEX41 medical technology cluster on the site of Mannheim university hospital. The close proximity of research and clinical practice provides an excellent platform for knowledge transfer and cutting-edge research that can be directly tested and clinically evaluated. The research campus is also promoting the realization and establishment of the “intervention room of the future” in everyday clinical practice by involving complementary partners from Germany and abroad.

Robot-assisted needle positioning in the molecular intervention room.

M²OLIE Research Campus

This flyer is about the M²OLIE Research Campus in Mannheim. It is one of nine inserts that complement the brochure entitled “Research Campus Funding Initiative”. The M²OLIE Research Campus aims to develop innovative treatment options for cancer patients and a comprehensive care process where admission, diagnosis and treatment take place in the space of a single working day.

2 pages / flyer

Language: English

M²OLIE Research Campus - New Flyer

Additionally, there exists a new information flyer about M²OLIE. You can download it here.

Partners in the Research Campus

  • German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
  • Fraunhofer Project Group for Automation in Medicine and Biotechnology (PAMB), Fraunhofer IPA
  • Hochschule Mannheim University of Applied Sciences
  • Heidelberg University
  • University of Mannheim
  • 300MICRONS GmbH
  • Carl Zeiss Meditec AG
  • Elysia S.A.
  • GMV Soluciones Globales Internet S.A.U.
  • KUKA Deutschland GmbH
  • Mint Medical GmbH
  • Orano Med
  • Porsche Consulting GmbH
  • PROGEN Biotechnik GmbH
  • ProxiVision GmbH
  • QIT Systeme GmbH & Co. KG
  • RAPID Biomedical GmbH
  • Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG
  • Siemens Healthcare GmbH
  • TissUSe GmbH
  • ulrich GmbH & Co. KG
  • University Medical Centre Mannheim
  • Stadt Mannheim